The rebellion of the molecules

Billions of years evolving

The intention of this manual is to present, in an informative fashion, a brief biography of the visible matter, its origin and evolution, in an account in which there is evidence that evolutionary transformations have happened and happen. The essential condition physico-mathematical theories and models on the transformation of matter must meet in order to be considered scientific is their experimental verification, in such a way that the theoretical data obtained from models developed from theories must coincide with the results of measurements made on the transformed matter itself. After the Big Bang, the created visible matter began its evolutionary transformations in the stars (nuclear evolution), then in the interstellar space and in the primitive Earth (chemical evolution) and again in the Earth after originating living beings (biological evolution), in the absence of news from other places in the universe where life could exist.



Tomas Botella Yaquero

TOMAS BOTELLA YAQUERO holds a M. Sc. in Chemical Sciences (1974) and a PhD in Industrial Chemistry (1984), both by the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. He started his professional career in the oil company ENPETROL (now REPSOL), performing industrial activities during one and half year. Then in the Spanish technological body CIEMAT, where he carried out research and development activities in the nuclear field for 12 years. Finally in the European Commission (22 years), working successively on nuclear safeguards activities, on the Community Framework Programme of Research and Development (in specific programmes dealing with scientific knowledge dissemination and with innovation policy) and on Community energy strategies.


Francisco Andrés Pardo Rech

FRANCISCO ANDRÉS PARDO RECH is a draftsman and construction technician. He currently works in construction in both building and civil. As a hobby, he is an artist drawing cartoons and caricatures.


Ediciones Letradepalo

The covers (front and back) as well as the 10 interior illustrations are edited in color

The Manual

The intention of this book is to present in an informative and summarised fashion the scientific account about the origin and the evolutionary transformations of the visible matter, from the very small elementary particles to the human beings, which are supposedly the most evolved material form.

The enormous flow of information and data currently available to anyone with access to the internet and social networks—which are in themselves powerful tools for disseminating all and every kind of knowledge—is also often a source of misinformation, which is more easily spread through the use of information and communication technologies.

Within its limitations and concerning aspects related to how natural phenomena occur, science constitutes a firm reference point capable of providing objective elements to check information. Scientific know-how is a form of human knowledge that is alive and well, largely due to the status granted to it through its achievements in satisfactorily explaining a vast number of natural phenomena, but also because it is the basis for the development of modern technologies and devices that make our lives so much easier. The same laws and scientific principles that have allowed this development, support the narrative presented in the book.}

Who are targeted readers?

The book is intended for readers with a basic knowledge of science in nature, having tried to avoid the use of formulas and using a language closer to laymen than the one normally used by scientists, in order to expose technical concepts whose understanding can present certain difficulties due to their scientific nature.

Bringing scientific knowledge closer to society is not easy, existing a chronic deficit in this regard, as it is evidenced in a series of surveys carried out in the United States and Europe in the last 20 years. Their results show surprising gaps in the perception that the inhabitants of the two most developed geographical areas on the planet have, about essential aspects of the physical world in which we live, such as its origin or how it works.

As a sample, three examples are cited in the book:

  • The first is that in the 21st century, still one in four or five respondents consider that the Sun revolves around the Earth, when science proved the opposite more than three centuries ago.
  • The subject of biological evolution is cause for even more doubts among the public. One in five respondents answered that living organisms, including humans, do not develop from earlier species, despite the fact that current science has extensively demonstrated that whatever living organism comes from another precedent. Additionally, the percentage of those who denied biological evolution was higher than those who believed in it.
  • Only one in five US citizens considers it a fact that the universe began 13.8 billion years ago, with a great flash known as the Big Bang, an event also evidenced by science. More than half of the respondents declared that they did not believe in this statement.In view of these results, it seems that there is a long way to go for consolidated scientific knowledge, in order to be accepted bya majority of society.

Fifty years of discoveries

At the beginning of the 70s of the last century, protons and neutrons were considered the lowest step of visible matter, since had not yet hatched the fabulous world of elementary particles, the smallest portions of the matter, although some of them were already known. , which has made possible to decode those libraries where the history of life is written, as are the genes of living beings, also began a spectacular development, one of its milestones was to sequence of the human genome. Computing was still in its infancy, since early university computers had much smaller memory capacities than any mobile phone of today.

In less than 50 years, in parallel to the development of scientific disciplines, the scientific account about the origin and evolutionary transformations of visible matter has been consolidated, although some parts of it may be considered as mere theories or hypothesis, as there are not definitive scientific evidences about them, despite the important number of scientific hints supporting them. Some examples are the origins of matter or of the phenomenon of life, both playing a role of capital importance in the scientific account about the origin and evolutionary transformations of visible matter.

The situation is similar to a puzzle in which some isolated pieces are missing, but those available allow visualising a coherent image on the evolutionary path of a minority component of the universe, as it is the visible matter. As long time goes by, a small portion of such visible matter is becoming increasingly complex and orderly, while the universe is advancing towards thermodynamic disorder

The ages of matter

The manual is a brief biography of the visible matter, which was considered eternal and static until less than a century ago, but the advance of the current scientific knowledge has enabled to develop a coherent narrative about its origin and evolutionary transformations.

The narrative begins with the birth of visible matter around 14 billion years ago, after what is known as the Big Bang, a huge flash that originated the universe. The matter formed was composed just by the nuclei of the two smallest atoms, hydrogen and helium.

As the pair of atoms was sterile – chemically speaking – started a long period of infancy, in which the pair of new-born atoms gave rise to gaseous clouds that began to form the first stars, authentic factories where the hundred existing chemical elements were manufactured.

After a few billion years, the stars began to end up their fuel, fading and disintegrating, seeding space with their precious cargo of new atoms, the so- called “stardust”. The new atoms formed in the stars began to form chemical compounds, in such a way that the already fertile matter entered in its adolescent phase.

Around 4.5 billion years ago, the gaseous clouds in a corner of the Milky Way galaxy formed a star – the Sun -, with a few planets revolving around. On one of them, the Earth, a few chemical compounds basically made up of atoms of four chemical elements (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen), started to evolve over hundreds of millions of years, through processes of chemical nature. Once the planet was transformed in a world of highly complex chemical molecules of inert nature, a singular group of complex molecules rebelled against its fate (the thermodynamic equilibrium, with the cessation of its activities). On the contrary, the rebel chemical molecular system self-organised its activities, transforming into a biological system, which was the first living organism. With the emergence of life began the adult phase of the visible matter.

The first consolidated living being on Earth, an imaginary creature smaller than a bacterium, is supposed to have been the common ancestor of all living beings, our umpteensquillionth-great-great-grandfather. By biological evolution over 4 billion years, all species on Earth, including humans, have emerged.

Evolution of matter

From LUCA, by biological evolution over nearly 4 billion years years, all species on Earth have emerged, including the human, supposedly the most evolved due to the complexity and organization of the material that composes it, capable of supporting highly specialized functions as is human consciousness. The manual is completed with a brief review from other levels of organization of matter beyond living beings, like ecosystems or planet Earth itself.

The title of the manual refers to the formation of the first living being, supposedly from a chemical system made up of molecules complexes that "rebelled" by not following the script provided by the laws of the nature that would have brought them to chemical equilibrium, a state in which the matter accommodates itself and tends to cease its activity. The Rebel Set molecular, already as a biological system, self-organized to maintain itself away from the paralyzing thermodynamic equilibrium, by means of a sustained supply of energy.

Despite beginning to evolve 13.8 billion years ago, the vast majority of visible matter remains unchanged forming the pair of atoms primal, and only a very small part has escalated to more evolved, forming compounds of inanimate nature contained in interstellar space and forming celestial bodies, apart from the stars. Presumably, the matter that forms living beings constitutes an infinitesimal part of the visible matter of the universe.


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